7 Tips From The OG Event Planners Turned Nonprofit Founders
by: Lotus Network
“She hates it when I say this, but we’re the grandmothers of event planning — it wasn’t even an industry when we started,” said Lisa Cook of her decades-long career as event planners with her partner, Leslie Heins. (Our slightly tongue-in-cheek suggestion that they consider themselves the fairy godmothers instead inspired a couple of very warm smiles, but no comment.)
“We started as business partners 40 years ago, not even friends,” she continued. “Now we’re sisters.”
In the last few years, their conversations began to include musings on what might be next after event planning. “We believe every woman has a next chapter,” Cook said, “and we were starting to think about ours.”
After her father died unexpectedly in 2015, Cook says she kept hearing an insistent whisper in her heart, “It’s never too late.” She shared that with her partner, and a women’s empowerment nonprofit was born.
Lotus Network is all about moving yourself up on your priority list and not just being the caretaker of someone else but nurturing your own aspirations. Their goal is to help women connect and support each other in really listening to those small whispers about what will bring a sense of purpose and authenticity to each new day.
“Three years later, we’re now the toddlers of the nonprofit sector,” Cook said, with a laugh, of their founder status.
But these leaders aren’t afraid of a challenge — or of learning on-the-job, so to speak — and with a clear mission to follow, they dove right in. What have they learned in three short years as newbie nonprofit founders and leaders?
№1: It’s Never Too Late
The one lesson they hope every woman applies to every facet of her life: “It’s never too late.” This phrase is the vision statement and clarion call of the organization, which might also be considered a movement.
It’s been part of the theme for each of their annual Signature Events called Connect Now. The first was It’s Never Too Late to for Optimistic Aging, followed by It’s Never too Late to Be Happy. For their third Signature Event, coming up soon on August 29th, the theme is It’s Never Too Late to Lead an Authentic Life.
The story of how they landed Maria Shriver as the headliner for this virtual “extraordinary Sunday” is a lesson in and of itself! (Yes, of course, we’re going to share it! Read on!)
№2: Connection, Connection, Connection
The key to real estate might be all about location, but the key to a happy life of purpose and gratitude is connection, Heins and Cook said.
Year-round Lotus Network events help members and guests discover the power of connection and purposeful living. Through a variety of small gatherings, community events and the annual Signature Experience: Connect Now, Lotus Network inspires women of all ages to take on new challenges physically, mentally and spiritually.
For many women and leaders, the power of connection was certainly revealed over the past year-and-a-half or so — as we came to understand the debilitating impact of loneliness and isolation on ourselves, our employees and those our nonprofits serve.
So, in 2020, during the height of the pandemic, Heins and Cook produced 14 virtual Lotus Networks programs that helped members maintain and find new connections while exploring topics like finding calm, nourishing hope, resilience and gratitude, owning their story, racial healing, redefining inclusion and burnout relief.
№3: Dream Big
“We all dream,” Cook said. “Maybe we think ‘that’s never going to happen,’ but we still dream about it. Why not go after it?”
Maria Shriver — mother award-winning journalist, former first lady of California and nonprofit and media company founder — was their dream keynote speaker for the 2022 Signature Experience: Connect Now event.
“When we reached out to Maria Shriver, we thought it would be a long shot that she would agree to be our speaker,” Cook and Heins admitted. “After all, we are a young nonprofit organization, only three years old.” But they sat down and wrote her a heartfelt letter about their organization, mission and their vision of how she could impact woman around the world.
Not only did their big dream come true when Shriver accepted, but she threw them a new challenge: what if she did the event virtually — and in 2021?
№4: Be Flexible
While Shriver’s participation changed their original plans, they’re actually happier with how the August 29th “extraordinary Sunday” has developed and what it will be.
Shriver will join the Lotus Network members and Signature Event ticketholders for a virtual chat, which means many more women can attend!
“From the emotionally safe space and cozy comfort of their own homes, our guests will literally have the best seat in the house while Maria shares motivational thoughts and inspirational life stories over the course of a meaningful conversation,” Heins said.
№5: Be Grateful
Cook and Heins draw heavily from their own event planning and business owner backgrounds, of course, but as Cook says, they’re “a thousand trillion times” grateful for their new executive director, Louanne Saraga-Walters, who recently joined the team and has helped them navigate some of the challenges.
“We experienced just explosive growth among the membership and with this event, and we needed help with the nonprofit side of things,” Cook explained. Saraga-Walters’ extensive nonprofit and communications experience has proven to be the complement this dynamic duo needed to complete their three-legged stool of success.
№6: Don’t Be Afraid to Branch Out
Growth is at the heart of this organization, not only stimulating individual, personal growth by encouraging women to reach out and make new connections, but also membership growth. Lotus Network may be based in Denver, CO, but in three short years, membership has spread across the country like wildfire — and gone international. There are already more than 1,950 members in 37 states and eight countries. That number is growing hourly as women continue to register for their Signature Event with Maria Shriver.
And that’s just the beginning: Cook and Heins would like to see Lotus Network chapters in cities, states, even countries across the globe.
№7: Empowered Women Empower Women
The excitement they felt when Shriver accepted the keynote speaker role has only grown through the stages of event production.
“Maria understood what Lotus Network was about and saw that we are kindred spirits,” Heins said. “We speak the same language. We share the same optimistic vision that it’s never too late to lead fulfilling lives, and we share the mission of inspiring purposeful living, personal growth and meaningful connections.”
They’re so excited to share this unique virtual event with thousands of women come August 29. “She’ll illuminate the myths women tell ourselves and reveal the truth of each, inspiring each of us in our pursuit of an authentic life,” Cook said. “Maria will deeply touch everyone; each woman is sure to hear the empowering message they need.”
If you’d like to attend this one-of-a-kind virtual event, registration is still open and tickets are only $50 or $500 for a pod of 10. Watch parties, with adherence to COVID protocols, are encouraged! The first 1,500 to register will receive a copy of Shriver’s “I’ve Been Thinking Journal” with a bonus, one-year membership in Lotus Network.