3 Artificial Intelligence Innovations that will Disrupt 2021

News You Can Use
3 min readJan 12, 2021


Artificial intelligence isn’t just the subject of sci-fi movies and distant future scenarios. AI is already here, and you’re likely already using it. Apple’s Siri, Google’s Home and other virtual assistants are dependent on artificial intelligence. When Netflix suggests new movies for you to watch, when a chatbot opens up to ask you if you need assistance on a website you’re browsing — that’s AI. Artificial intelligence is already here to answer your questions, find things faster and with greater accuracy and make your lives more efficient.

That being said, AI is also one of the fastest-growing markets in the world. There is still a lot to be done in this industry. Many technological innovations have yet to reach the broader public.

Here are three examples of game-changing advancements coming in 2021.


One of the current biggest IT trends is hyper-automation. This is the idea that anything within a specific organization that can be automated should be automated.

This concept of hyper-automation has particularly taken off with the onset of a global health pandemic. Automated processes mean fewer humans are required for the job, which not only protects them from an infection by a potentially deadly virus but also eliminates human error.

Businesses worldwide are using different technologies that are clunky, inefficient and often getting in each other’s way. A single streamlined AI process would significantly boost performance and reduce costs for many — if not all — organizations worldwide.

Autonomous Vehicles

The phrase “autonomous vehicles” has been around for a while. Even though many companies are close to getting it right (Tesla, Google and Uber, to name a few), these types of vehicles aren’t yet available for regular purchase. Not in the true sense of the word “autonomous,” anyway.

AI-powered cars are expected to dramatically decrease car accidents, save fuel costs and reduce traffic jams. You can expect the first successful designs to roll out in 2021.

Recognition Technology

Government drones are already used in various applications, the latest of which is monitoring whether social distancing rules are followed. The AI sector is expected to develop more powerful recognition solutions to detect and prevent the spread of COVID-19 and any other possible infections in the future. These changes are expected to take effect as soon as 2021.

Additionally, facial recognition technology is growing faster than ever. This particular area is controversial since it deals with the possible invasion of privacy. However, science suggests that more and more people are willing to tolerate recognition technology if it means they can lead safer, more carefree lives.


The artificial intelligence industry is rapidly expanding and is easily one of the most exciting technology sectors to be in right now. AI and machine learning will significantly alter how we live, providing us with more time to dedicate to high-priority work tasks as well as our friends and family. Hyperautomation, autonomous vehicles and recognition technology are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the breakthrough innovations, we will see in 2021.



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