2021 Trends in Nonprofit Human Resources to Have Your Best Year Yet
By Jackie Sue Griffin, MBA, MS
The world of Human Resources (HR) is always changing and evolving. Even amidst the global pandemic, HR leaders are reshaping their workforce management approach to be prepared for anything and everything that the next year will bring.
Here are the top three trends in HR that can help your organization continue to navigate the current crisis while keeping employee engagement high so your people and organization can thrive in 2021:
1. The growing importance of digital communication in HR
HR handles every employee’s life cycle in a nonprofit organization — from recruiting, hiring, onboarding, training and development to termination. Despite the negative effects of the coronavirus pandemic on companies of all types and the job market, a staggering 60 percent of companies have hired at least one new worker since the beginning of the pandemic.
One of the newest challenges for HR is remote hiring and onboarding, which comes with such issues as virtually interviewing and assessing a candidate’s skills, screening for candidates suited for remote work and conveying your nonprofit’s culture during virtual recruiting and training. But HR doesn’t stop there. As organizations continue to adapt to the new normal, HR’s duty is to support employees and offer them guidance and information during the ongoing pandemic. That’s why, in 2021, one of the most important HR trends will be a greater focus on digital communication throughout an employee’s lifecycle.
2. Emphasis on employee mental health
All statistics show that COVID-19 has been negatively affecting people’s mental health for quite some time. Many employees faced remote work for the first time and have had to deal with extra responsibilities. There’s growing data showing that many employees may not be using the healthiest coping mechanisms: According to the CDC, 4o0 percent of adults in the U.S. are experiencing substance abuse or mental health issues due to the pandemic. For the past several years, and especially as we moved through 2020 and now into 2021, the role of HR has been to advocate for the health of the nonprofit’s employees, helping the organization invest in mental health and well-being initiatives and tools.
3. Data-driven insights
As more people work remotely, organizations are investing in tools to help them assess their employees’ engagement and productivity. HR leaders will have to find a way to ensure their workforce continues to meet target goals while maintaining a supportive work environment. Therefore, in 2021, the newest trend will be adopting sophisticated tools for measuring employee productivity and well-being to understand how workers are adapting and coping with the changes brought on during the pandemic.
As the future of work continues evolving, HR has a vital role in maintaining employee engagement and well-being, adapting valuable tools and offering the necessary support to ensure that your organization’s needs and goals are met.